Friday, November 4, 2011

It's not just the candidates they screw with!

They even dug up photos of bloggers!

It's just not right!

Why did they have to go there?

Why do the opposition research teams have to go back and dig up old photo's of  candidates from when they were kids.
It is just not fair!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Did you hear the news about Jon Corzine?

Not that he caused the bankruptcy of Mother Fucking Holdings or that he gave millions of dollars in sweetheart deals to his girlfriend who ran a union that negotiated directly with the state. Or that he is a Democrat which you will never hear about in the New York Times or on Face the Nation.

He banged Sniead O' Conner.

When she had hair.

When will Mitt introduce us to whole family?

Will he wait until after he is elected?

Because that is not fair to the other sister wives!